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8 Things To Do After Closing On Navarre Real Estate

You’ve closed on your Navarre Real Estate and have scheduled the move to your new home! But wait! Before you settle in there are a number of things to do after closing that buyers aren’t aware of!

Purchasing the home is only the beginning. There is still work that needs to be done!

Let’s learn about the 8 most important things you should be doing after closing.

  1. Meet Your Neighbors

The surrounding neighbors of a new home are always curious to meet the new owners. After closing you should get out and meet your neighbors!

It’s a good chance to exchange information in case of an emergency and you also get to see who you’re living next to!

  1. Store Your Documents

When you close on a home you will have a lot of important documents that should be stored in a safe place! These papers will be needed later on down the road, for example if you want to put up a fence you’ll need a copy of your survey map.

Make copies of everything!

  1. Change Your Locks

Most people know this is an important step when moving into a new place. But new homeowners don’t always think the same!

Changing your locks should be one of the first things you do to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings. A new home should mean new locks, every time!

  1. Notify People About The Move

Speaking of security, you should also be updating important people about your move. Your post office, work, your insurance companies, relatives and so on.

Make sure all your billing information and addresses match to your bills. Updating everyone with your new address will make moving less stressful so you can focus on other important things!

  1. Deep Clean

This one might be a given, but let’s talk about cleaning. Some Navarre Realtors request that homes are left in “bloom clean” condition, meaning no items or debris left in the house.

It’s still recommended that you give your new home a good deep clean after you close. It’ll feel more like yours and you’ll know for sure everything is clean!

  1. Check Your HVAC

Your HVAC systems should have been inspected already but there are still some tasks you should do after closing! The first thing is to have your HVAC serviced if it hasn’t been already. This will prolong the life of them.

You will also want to replace the filter to keep the HVAC running efficiently!

  1. Adjust The Hot Water Heater

This is another thing that should be done as soon as you move in. Make sure the hot water heater is adjusted to the temperature you and your family desire.

  1. Measure Everything

The final step is to measure everything! Before you start moving in your big pieces of furniture, measure each room’s dimensions and windows.

You should also measure your furniture to ensure everything will fit in place the way you imagine.


Now that all the responsibilities are laid out and taken care of, have some fun in your new home! The 8 tasks above are important and will help improve your overall buying experience!

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